
 Can I get a dedicated IP? Is dedicated hosting dangerous?

Yes, you can get a dedicated IP if you choose dedicated server, when you secure your site via SSL...

 Do you have a service level agreement? and what it covers?

Service level agreement is a bond between a web hosting company and its clients. Generally it...

 How dedicated server benefits your blog hosting? What is best platform for dedicated server?

If you are running a blog business, I advise you to purchase dedicated server that will let you...

 Is dedicated server same as VPS? what is the process of website rotation on dedicated server?

VPS hosting offers unique and identical IP, Operating system, database control, panel etc. to...

 State the process to log into dedicated server. How to change my password in dedicated server?

First you generate an SSH key pair from cPanel -> SSH/Shell Access. Copy the private key from...

 What is the web hosting?

Web hosting is a location where people store their website to access it. There will already be...

 Who is hosting service provider and which one i should choose?

The organizations who do provide Web Solutions like dedicated server, DC and DR solution, VPS,...

 how to order fully managed dedicated server? How to order additional bandwidth in dedicated server? Do you charge for additional bandwidth?

Host Net India is offering three plans under full management for a dedicated server. We have E...

 what is semi dedicated hosting? What is your pore speed in a dedicated server?

Semi dedicated hosting is a kind of shared hosting that involves the features of shared hosting...

 who need a dedicated server? How to activate SSH key on dedicated server?

When your website is growing and this growing traffic and storage demands a high security, then I...