Service level agreement is a bond between a web hosting company and its clients. Generally it includes time period, cost,Complete structure of of issues what is the level of them and the estimated time frame for resolution, uptime of network and hardware etc. It mostly requires for internet based services depending upon basic service specifications, desired performance level, monitoring process, response time and so on. If you are taken with this agreement, it is a very good step. But if not taken, then here I am giving you the reason why you should adopt this SLA. Firstly, if the web hosting company becomes unable to provide you the facility mentioned in the agreement, for example if uptime falls lower than the agreed percentage, you will be compensated by the company. Secondly, Company concentrates more on its key performance indicators (KPI) when there is a SLA. Thirdly, if any service problem arises, Company solves it within the time frame that is mentioned in the SLA. Again, most important thing is that SLA fulfills formal requirement and commitments towards both the parties.
Direct link of our SLA: